Naročilo je obvezno poslati po elektronski pošti.
Kontaktirajte nas, če v 5 delovnih dneh od datuma oddaje naročila ne prejmete potrditve naročila.
Morebitne spremembe naročila je potrebno pisno sporočiti v roku 5 delovnih dni po prejemu potrditve naročila.
Če po tem času ne prejmemo nobenega sporočila, bomo domnevali, da je naročilo sprejelo uvoz dovoljenj (PI) in revizija ni potrebna.
Za hitre kurirje: Samo gotovinsko plačilo.
Za zabojnik: s telegrafskim nakazilom (T/T) 50-odstotno predplačilo pred začetkom proizvodnje in plačilo preostalega zneska po e-pošti in kurirju v tiskani obliki nakladnice (BL). O morebitnih posebnih plačilnih pogojih bomo še razpravljali.
Veleprodajna zbirka: 60 kosov/5 ducatov (mešani predmeti)
Dizajn po meri: 60 kosov vsak model
Tekstil: 4 zvitki
Tiskano po meri: 20.000 jardov/motiv (vključuje 3/4 barve)
Cena brezplačno/tovor na krovu (FOB), velja samo za naročila polnega kontejnerja.
Cene ne vključujejo dokumentov in stroškov certifikacije.
Kahayan Emerald lahko zagotovi vse standardne zahteve strank glede označevanja in pakiranja. O kakršnih koli posebnih zahtevah je treba dodatno razpravljati.
Našim strankam bomo zagotovili tudi fotografije in videoposnetke v visoki ločljivosti njihovih izdelkov za vse promocijske potrebe. Veljajo pogoji in pogoji.
Polni kontejnerski tovori (FCL): Cene so FOB, stroške manipulacije in stroške lokalne logistike bo plačal kupec.
Manj kontejnerskih tovorov (LCL): če stranka zahteva kombinirano pošiljko z drugimi prodajalci, lahko pomagamo pripeljati blago na zahtevano lokacijo. Za to bo kupec plačal stroške manipulacije in lokalne stroške prevoza.
Ko bo prodaja končana, bo vaše naročilo skrbno obdelano in zapakirano.
Stroškov pošiljanja ni mogoče povrniti. Vračila ne bodo sprejeta brez predhodne odobritve.
Reklamacij glede naravne narave izdelkov ne sprejemamo.
Zbirka Minimalno naročilo: 60 kosov / 5 ducatov (mešani predmeti)
Brezplačne etikete in ročne oznake: Minimalno naročilo 60 kosov / 5 ducatov (vsak 1 dizajn)
Etikete in ročne oznake Minimalno naročilo
. Oznake: 1.000 ducatov (vključno z vgradnjo)
. Ročne oznake: 100 ducatov
Etikete in ročna oznaka Cena (vključno z 2 barvama in 1 logotipom)
. 1000 ducatov - 128 dolarjev
. 500 ducatov - 100 dolarjev
. 200 ducatov - 90 dolarjev
. 100 ducatov - 75 dolarjev
Tukaj lahko izdelamo vse vrste oblačil, od uniform, vsakodnevnih oblačil, hidžabov, muslimanskih oblačil, od formalnih do neformalnih in mnogih drugih.
Najmanjše naročilo: 60 kosov / 5 ducatov (vsak 1 dizajn)
Storitve vključujejo:
CMT (Cut Make Trim)
Storitve šivanja/šivanja po meri in materialih, ki jih zagotovi stranka.
Izvajamo le tri glavne procese, kot so:
. Postopek krojenja materiala (kroj), dokler ni pripravljen za šivanje, vključno z merjenjem blaga in dodajanjem številke velikosti.
. Postopek krojenja materiala (make) se nato temeljito izvede, da nastane končni izdelek.
. Postopek obrezovanja (trim) in preverjanje (QC) za zagotovitev, da ni pritrjenih preostalih niti. V tem končnem procesu se izvaja tudi barvanje, likanje, etiketiranje in pakiranje.
ODM (proizvajalec izvirnega dizajna)
Storitev šivanja/krojanja z kroji in materiali, pripravljenimi po specifikacijah, ki jih določimo mi.
Postopek naročila
. Pripravite osnutek zasnove
. Posvetovanje o želenem materialu in dizajnu
. Izdelava krojev in vzorcev
. Preverite rezultate vzorcev
. Naročila
. 50% predplačilo
. Začetek proizvodnje
Pogoji uporabe
1. Vzorec: Stranka mora pripraviti sliko/dizajn, ki ga želi. Lahko je fizični vzorec ali fotografija. Po tem ga bomo obdelali, da naredimo vzorec.
2. Vzorčenje
. Zagotavljamo materialne zahteve za vzorce, vendar lahko uporabimo materiale, ki jih zagotovi/pripravi naročnik.
. Vzorčne cene se začnejo pri 32 USD, odvisno od vrste izdelka (vključuje poštnino).
. V ceno je vključena največ 1 revizija. Za nadaljnje popravke se zaračuna dodatna pristojbina.
3. Material
. Zagotavljamo in sprejemamo zahteve za materiale po želji naročnika.
. Uporabimo lahko materiale, ki jih zagotovi/pripravi naročnik.
4. Velikost: Določila za število velikosti, ki jih je mogoče naročiti na dizajn, so 2/3 velikosti za 10 ducatov (odvisno od dizajna).
5. Barva: število barv, ki jih je mogoče naročiti na dizajn = 1 barva = 10 ducatov.
6. Proizvodnja
. Proizvodnja se začne, ko so vzorci izdelkov dogovorjeni s stranko in so na voljo potrebni materiali.
. Čas izdelave traja približno 10-14 delovnih dni po dogovoru o naročilu.
. Stranke lahko naročijo že pripravljene oznake/nalepke.
7. Plačilo
. Naročnik mora plačati 50% avans pred začetkom proizvodnje.
. Naročnik je dolžan v celoti plačati izdelek ob dostavi.
. Tovorni list bo poslan, ko stranka opravi plačilo.
Najmanjše naročilo: 4 zvitki
Zakaj Kahayan Emerald Textile?
. Zagotavljanje kakovosti
. Najboljša cena
. Unikatno blago
. Gotovost zaloge
Vrsta tkanine
. Spustite pletene
. Wave pletene
. Manjša pletena
. Dash Pletene
. Čista guba
. Ingver pleten
. Pletena rebra
. Pleteni vaflji
. Vrstica Pletene
. Svileni saten
. Prvi potapljaški aparat
. Sakura
. Lane Misty
. Pletene plasti
. Spomladanski bombaž
. Mehke gube
. Volnene palačinke
. Shakila (bombažna svila)
. Keper Poplin
. Rayon Twill
. Rayon 30s
. Pletena iz viskoze
. Snežna pletena
. Rayon Spandex
. Pletena Lane
. Velvet pleten
Kako naročiti
1. Določite vrsto tkanine, ki jo potrebujete
2. Kontaktirajte nas: Ko določite vrsto tkanine, ki jo potrebujete, nas kontaktirajte, da dobite popolnejše informacije o izdelku in informacije o tem, kako naročiti.
3. Opomba o naročilu/Naročilo kataloga: Ko bodo vaše potrebe po tkanini izpolnjene, bomo izdali opombo o naročilu, v kateri bomo pojasnili ceno in količino vašega naročila, lahko pa tudi vnaprej naročite katalog pri nas za praktičen občutek .
4. Plačilo in dostava
. Po pravilnem naročilu se postopek plačila nadaljuje na račun.
. Ko plačilo potrdimo z naše strani, je naročilo poslano na destinacijo po vaši izbiri.
Najmanjše naročilo: 20.000 jardov/18.300 m/60.000 čevljev.
. 5.000 jardov/motiv (vključuje 3/4 barv)
_cc781905-5cde-3194fbad3b Ustvarite tkanino, ki vam je všeč z različnimi motivi
Kako naročiti
. Posvetovanje z nami.
. Izdelava grafičnih podob za tkanine.
. Izdelava prodajnih naročil.
. Račun za 50% avans.
. Dostava blaga na cilj.
Do you ship internationally?We do ship to other countries on the basis of the order quantity & other requirements.
Do you manufacture your products locally?No, our company provides export services for clothing suppliers.
What are the popular types of Kahayan Emerald company exports?Our company specializes in exporting high-quality, fashionable bulk apparel such as T-shirts, Polo Shirt and Blouses.
What services does Kahayan Emerald offer?We offer bulk apparel, including wholesale collections that can be relabeled under your brand name. We also provide a range of additional services, such as embroidery, printing, and custom designs, that can be tailored to customize your clothing items. Additionally, we offer textiles, as well as OEM, ODM and CMT services.
What is the minimum order quantity?Here are our minimum order quantities for each product: WHOLESALE: Collection Minimum Order: 60 pcs / 5 dozens (mixed items) Minimum Order of 60 pcs / 5 dozens (each with 1 design) *Receive free Labels & Hand Tags* CUSTOM DESIGN: Minimum Order: 60 pcs / 5 dozens (each with 1 design) *Receive free Labels & Hand Tags*
Can I request for a sample before placing an order?Yes, you can request a sample from us. We offer samples for a nominal fee, which will be credited towards your final order amount. To request a sample, please provide us with the product details including the design, color, size, logo design, etc., as well as the order quantity, shipping destination, and payment information. Please contact us and we will be happy to assist you with your sample request.
How many days for sample processing?The processing time for samples is typically 7 working days.
What is the average turnaround time for an order?The turnaround time for an order varies depending on the quantity and complexity of the order. However, we strive to deliver orders within 4-6 weeks from the time of order confirmation.
Can you provide custom packaging?Yes, Kahayan Emerald can provide all of customers' standard labelling and packaging requirements. Any special request should be discussed further.
How long does it take to produce and deliver?The production time for orders varies depending on the quantity and complexity of the order. However, we typically provide a delivery time of 60-90 days from the time of order confirmation.
What is your policy for defective or damaged items?At Kahayan Emerald, we strive to ensure that all of our products meet our high standards of quality and are carefully inspected before they are shipped. Please note that returns will not be accepted without prior approval. Additionally, complaints concerning the natural character of the products (e.g. variations in color, texture, or pattern) are not accepted, as these are a normal part of the production process for handmade and artisanal products. Please also note that shipping charges are not refundable.
What is your policy for returns and cancellations?Our policy for returns and cancellations will be outlined in the sales agreement. We generally do not accept returns or cancellations for custom-made products.
How do I place an order?Wholesale: You can place an order on our website, and we will receive it. We will be in touch soon to arrange the details, payment, and delivery. Custom design: Prepare a design draft. Consult with us about the desired material and design. We will make patterns and samples for you to check. Once you are satisfied with the sample results, you can place your order with us. Noted: Purchase Order is mandatory to be sent by email. We require a 70% advance payment before we start production. Please contact us if you do not receive any order confirmation within 5 business days from the date of placing your order. Any order modifications must be notified, in writing, within 5 business days of the receipt of order confirmation. If no communication is received past this period of time, we will assume that the order has accepted the Permits Import (PI) with no revision needed.
What information do I need to provide when placing an order?When placing an order, you will need to provide the following information before check out in our website: product details (design, color, size, etc.), order quantity, shipping destination, and payment information.
How can I make payment?We accept payment through By Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) and major credit cards. We will provide you with payment instructions when you place your order.
Can I make changes to my order after it has been placed?Yes, you can make changes to your order after it has been placed, any order modifications must be notified, in writing, within 5 business days of the receipt of order confirmation. Please contact us as soon as possible to make any necessary changes.
How will I be informed about the status of my order?We will keep you informed about the status of your order through regular updates via email and phone. You can also log in to your account to check the status of your order at any time.
What are Kahayan Emerald payment terms?We refer to payment through FOB (Free on Board) payment terms, which means that the buyer is responsible for paying for shipping and any related costs once the goods have been loaded onto the shipping vessel. Our standard payment terms are Net 30, which means that payment is due 30 days after the invoice date.
What are the payment options available from Kahayan Emerald?We accept payment through Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) and major credit cards. We will provide you with payment instructions when you place your order.
How much of the payment is required upfront?The amount of payment required upfront will depend on the type of shipment and the payment terms agreed upon. For Express Courier shipments, we require cash payment only. For container shipments, we require a telegraphic transfer (T/T) of 50% advance down payment before the start of production, with the balance due before shipment. After we email and courier a hard copy of the Bill of Lading (BL), the remaining balance payment is due. We understand that each shipment may have unique requirements, so we are open to discussing any special payment terms that may be needed. We are committed to ensuring that our payment terms are clear and transparent, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about payment requirements.
Are there any additional fees or charges that I should be aware of?Additional fees or charges, such as shipping, handling, and customs duties, may apply and will be outlined in the sales agreement.
What is your policy for late payments?Our policy for late payments will be outlined in the sales agreement. Late payments may result in interest charges or the suspension of production and shipping.
Will I receive a receipt or invoice for my payment?Yes, you will receive a receipt or invoice for your payment. This document can be used for accounting and tax purposes. Additionally, if you require any additional import documents, please let us know and we will do our best to provide them to you.
Is there a discount available for early payment or larger orders?We offer a discount for larger orders, and we will provide you with the details before or after you place your order.
Who pays for shipping?In FOB (Free on Board) terms, the buyer is responsible for paying for the cost of shipping the goods from the port of origin to the destination port. This means that the buyer is responsible for arranging for and paying for the shipment of the goods, including any transportation costs, insurance, customs fees, and other expenses. The seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the port of origin and loading them onto the shipping vessel. However, once the goods are loaded onto the vessel, the buyer assumes all responsibility and liability for the shipment until it reaches its final destination. If you have any questions or concerns about shipping or shipping costs, please contact us for more information.
Is it Kahayan Emerald's responsibility to arrange the shipment?Both the buyer and Kahayan Emerald can arrange the shipment. The specific arrangements for shipping will depend on the agreement reached between the two parties, and may vary depending on the nature of the goods being shipped, the distance involved, and other factors. If the buyer arranges the shipment, they will be responsible for coordinating with a shipping provider, arranging for transportation, and paying for shipping costs. If Kahayan Emerald arranges the shipment, we will work with our trusted shipping partners to ensure that your goods are delivered safely and on time. We will also provide you with all the necessary information and documentation related to the shipment. If you have any questions or concerns about shipping or shipping arrangements, please contact us for more information.
What is the mode of transportation shipments?We offer two main modes of transportation for our shipments: air freight and sea freight. Air freight is the fastest and most reliable option for shipping small to medium-sized orders, particularly those that are time-sensitive or have specific delivery requirements. Air freight is ideal for orders that need to be delivered quickly, as shipments can be scheduled on regular flights and delivered within a matter of days. However, air freight can be more expensive than sea freight, particularly for larger orders or those with heavier items. Sea freight is the most cost-effective option for shipping large orders, particularly those with heavy or bulky items. Sea freight can accommodate large quantities of goods and offers lower shipping rates than air freight, making it ideal for customers who are looking to save on shipping costs. However, sea freight is typically slower than air freight and can take several weeks to reach its destination, particularly for international shipments. We work with a range of trusted shipping partners to ensure that our customers receive their orders as quickly and efficiently as possible, regardless of the mode of transportation chosen.
What is the average lead time for shipment?The average lead time can vary depending on the nature of the goods being shipped, the distance involved, and other factors. Generally, once the order is confirmed and payment is received, we will work to prepare your shipment and arrange for transportation. Estimated delivery times will depend on the destination, but we can provide you with some estimated delivery times to popular destinations: AIR FREIGHT Singapore: 2-4 working days Malaysia: 3-5 working days Japan: 3-6 working days China: 3-7 working days South Korea: 3-7 working days Australia: 4-6 working days United States: 5-8 working days United Kingdom: 5-8 working days Germany: 5-8 working days SEA FREIGHT FCL Singapore: 1-3 days Malaysia: 2-4 days Japan: 7-14 days China: 10-14 days South Korea: 10-14 days Australia: 7-14 days United States: 25-35 days United Kingdom: 25-35 days Germany: 25-35 days SEA FREIGHT LCL Singapore: 2-5 days Malaysia: 4-8 days Japan: 6-10 days China: 8-12 days South Korea: 10-14 days Australia: 7-14 days United States: 14-28 days United Kingdom: 21-35 days Germany: 21-35 days Please note that these delivery times are only estimates and may vary depending on the specific circumstances of each shipment.
What is the packaging method?Usually, a transparent plastic packaging is used for individual items with dimensions of 23cm x 35cm, 25cm x 35cm, and 30cm x 37cm, which are then packed in sacks. The estimated normal content for each sack is 100-130 pieces with an average weight of 58-60kg. The sack dimensions are approximately 25cm in length, 70cm in width, and 102cm in height.